Welcome everyone 👋

My name is Damien Cosset and I’m a French software developer. I’ve been programming for more than 8 years now, mostly in Javascript, Java and Kotlin. I love learning new things and using my blog to talk about it! ❤️

What is Ownership in Rust?

Memory usage is crucial in programming. To understand how Rust uses memory, we must first understand how it handles variables ownership and memory allocation.

June 13, 2024

Building a password manager in Rust - Part 2

For the second part of our password manager, we start adding some better functionality to create a new password such as automatic generation, getting the clipboard’s content and alerting the user if the password is too weak

June 1, 2024

Building a password manager in Rust - Part 1

Learning new things can be challenging. To make it easier, we’ll build a fun little project together: a password manager!

May 16, 2024

Create a command line application with Rust

In this article, we’ll create a very simple command line application to get our feet wet with Rust!

May 16, 2024

Observer pattern

The Observer pattern allows us to control the notifications we send to subscribed objects. Let’s see how it works.

February 11, 2023

Factory method

The factory method design pattern allows us to elegantly create new objects. Let’s see how it works.

February 4, 2023

Design Patterns: Singleton

A design pattern used to make sure we have a single instance of an object. Let’s see how we do it

January 18, 2023

First steps in management

Is it a classic developer path? Moving into a management role after a few years? Well, my path is certainly going in that direction. So, what am I learning?

December 2, 2022

Git blame should be called git credit

We often like to use negative language in our statements, even though they are more harmful are more likely to be ill-perceived. Let’s replace git blame by git credit/

July 5, 2020

Technology is never neutral

Software and computers are only a subset of technology. All technology is non-neutral. This article will go over the creation and effects of technologies.

July 3, 2020