Proxies are a very powerful tool in Javascript, often used in libraries and frameworks. But what are they? Let’s explore it together.

Proxies are a very powerful tool in Javascript, often used in libraries and frameworks. But what are they? Let’s explore it together.
Uniqrate is a tool designed for analytics and gathering reader’s feedbacks. Let’s see how to add it to a static site generator like Hugo
With 2 colleagues, we decided to team up and build a project. After 3 months, we created Uniqrate, an analytics and readers feedback tool for bloggers and documentation writers.
Memory usage is crucial in programming. To understand how Rust uses memory, we must first understand how it handles variables ownership and memory allocation.
For the second part of our password manager, we start adding some better functionality to create a new password such as automatic generation, getting the clipboard’s content and alerting the user if the password is too weak
Learning new things can be challenging. To make it easier, we’ll build a fun little project together: a password manager!
In this article, we’ll create a very simple command line application to get our feet wet with Rust!
The Observer pattern allows us to control the notifications we send to subscribed objects. Let’s see how it works.
The factory method design pattern allows us to elegantly create new objects. Let’s see how it works.
A design pattern used to make sure we have a single instance of an object. Let’s see how we do it